Torbreck The Factor 2001 . 當時的(2001年)Torbreck酒莊酒款沒有現在的多.最高級的是RunRig,之後就已經是 The Factor , Descendant.現在的 Torbreck擁有多達20款酒,原因是在這10年間 Torbreck 不停擴張葡萄園,更多獨立的葡萄園進行生產,酒款就多起上來.
The Factor 不是指定葡萄園所生產,100% Barossa Valley Shiraz , 莊主在嚴謹挑戰後再進行釀造.使用1年橡木桶陳釀24個月才入瓶.由2002年開始 The Factor已經使用其他地區所採收的Shiraz.
很心痛的是因為自己的錯弄破了酒標.其實香港人應該不會太陌生Torbreck這個酒莊,她們的入門款價錢合理,woodcutter's.白酒方面還有很多選擇,但主要集中是近10年才有的.對於酒款出名多的澳洲酒莊我已經沒有什麼感覺,隨便有一個有名氣的酒莊都不下20款酒,而我這些比較有性格的酒鬼,我會集中購買 Torbreck 2003年前的酒款,因為保留了最初的釀造方式.
這支絕對是飲用之作,我查看了一下莊主對這支酒的介紹 :
Our homage to the great old Shiraz vines of the Barossa Valley and the growers who painstakingly tend and nurture them each year. The Factor displays the concentration & fruit purity that only the most meticulous farming can achieve. Delicate scents of wild blackberries, pipe smoke and pepper are supported by a dark core of espresso roast, black currants and coal. The palate offers tremendous texture and combines great richness with subtle notes of olive tapenade, saddle leather and minerals.
Brooding and densely packed, this majestic wine has the constitution to cellar for many years where it will slowly unravel its extravagant riches. The reputation of the Barossa as the pre-eminent red wine growing region of Australia rests firmly on wines such as this.
就莊主的介紹來看,是傳統的 Barossa 風格 , R.P.給予 94分,看來也是一支不會有投訴的酒款了.